Why start a new church?

God has been preparing my family and me for this moment.

For the past two years we’ve been offered some great opportunities. One was to serve as pastor of an important church only a few blocks away from a state capital. It was a wonderful congregation filled with university professors and talented people. We were so excited and we prayed long and hard over that one. But in this case, as in all the other wonderful opportunities that came our way, we began to realize that it was not God’s will for our lives.

This past Spring I woke up one morning with this simple conviction; God wanted us to love the people I live with, to bloom where I’ve been planted. Not to move to some faraway land but to reach out to my own Virginia neighbors. It was as if a great burden were lifted from our shoulders. Knowing God’s will is half the battle. And with the realization came excitement and great humility. God was calling my family and me to start a new church.

Facts to consider:

– Over 85% of all people who “give their lives to Christ” will do so in a church, and in conjunction with an invitation from a caring friend.

– Yet church-to-population ratio in United States has been on decline for decades. In 1900 our nation had 27 churches for every 10,000 Americans. By 1950, this ratio had dropped to 17 churches for every 10,000 people. Since 1950, we actually have 30 percent fewer churches to reach the growing number of unchurched people in America.

– There are one hundred and twenty million unchurched people in the United States. That makes us the fourth largest mission field in the world. Truly the work of the great commission is incomplete.

– NOVA has grown so quickly that the numbers of churches are few in relationship to the growing population. There are over 70,000 people within a given three mile radius of downtown Haymarket. Less than 40% of the population presently attends church making this highly populated and growing area a tremendous opportunity for a life-giving church.